Modayn's authenticity process

Your trust is of utmost importance to us. While we maintain a rigorous authentication process, we offer a 100% Money-Back Guarantee should you ever receive a counterfeit item, though we must emphasize that only verified claims are eligible for this guarantee.

Our Partners

We partner exclusively with certified luxury boutiques in Europe, guaranteeing that all our products are 100% authentic. Modayn meticulously vets each partner to uphold our exacting standards of quality and service. Every boutique commits to a contract that ensures all items are genuine and in pristine condition, with no tolerance for counterfeit goods.

Our Team

Our team of seasoned experts in luxury item authentication meticulously examines each product. These specialists are extensively trained to evaluate intricate details such as stitching, serial numbers, date codes, engravings, materials, colors, and more. Every item is subjected to a thorough inspection to ensure it adheres to the manufacturer’s highest quality standards.

Money-Back Guarantee

Your trust is our foremost priority. While we uphold a rigorous authentication process, we offer a 100% Money-Back Guarantee in the rare instance that you receive a counterfeit item. Please be advised that this guarantee applies only to verified claims.